The Mobile Film Classroom Organization

The Mobile Film Classroom is a digital media production studio-on-wheels that travels throughout Los Angeles County to bring digital media instruction to at-risk and under-served youth who do not have access to technology at their school or home. Our programs provide a bridge from early cinema to modern film making using the tools that engage students the most, digital media.

We ask what does it mean to be literate in the 21st Century? 100 years ago a new technology was transforming our world, as silent film star Mary Pickford observed, “We were pioneers in a brand new medium.” Today’s youth can also be pioneers. By teaching them to use technology responsibly through relevant curriculum that parallels the Silent Era of film history to 21st Century digital media storytelling, we offer students a way to creatively express themselves while giving voice to issues in their community. We believe being literate in film history and knowing how to navigate, use and critique digital media is what it means to be literate in the 21st Century. We offer in school and after school workshops for grades 3 -12, as well as professional development for educators.

For more information, please contact:
239-1/2 S. Hoover Street
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Phone: 323.459.2640