Our Method

Art Scholarships

Since 2006, we have gifted over 25 art scholarship to students whose passion is painting and fine arts.

These scholarships have been set up as separate endowments and are awarded annually to student recipients at the following schools:

Since 2009, we have gifted several grants to benefit students whose passion is filmmaking through the Mary Pickford Institute of Film Education, Los Angeles, CA.

Caroline Victoria Rose

The Caroline Victoria Rose for the Arts was introduced to the United States and Canada in 2011.

Created by world-renowned rose breeder Robert Harkness of Harkness Roses, England, this stunning, pure ivory, hybrid-tea rose is a testament to the perfection of nature – from which all artistic inspiration springs.

The Caroline Victoria Rose will help the CVCAF continue our crucial work of financially sustaining student artists in need. At the same time, planting a Caroline Victoria Rose in your garden will be a lasting reminder of the beauty art brings to the lives of each and every one of us.

Please help us support student artists in need by purchasing a Caroline Victoria Rose for the Arts.
A substantial percentage of each rose purchase will be directed towards the CVCAF.

CVCAF Online Arts Festival

Coming in late 2015, we will introduce our Caroline Victoria Online Arts Festival (CVOAF), an initiative designed for student artists without boundaries. Our arts festival will provide a forum where students can share their visual arts or other media in an online festival format. The CVOAF is in its pilot stage and will be launching a “call for entries” for its inaugural online festival in December, 2011.

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